You’ll see enormous social, cognitive and physical changes unfold in your baby. Great leaps are made in our Toddler Program; from our baby’s first steps, to learning to share, to potty-training!


You’ll see enormous social, cognitive and physical changes unfold in your baby. Great leaps are made in our Toddler Program; from our baby’s first steps, to learning to share, to potty-training!

Highlights of this stage include language development and building a sense of independence. Toddlers will learn how to play alone and alongside their peers. During this stage, we also introduce Themed monthly units that provide a variety of daily experiences through structured learning a free play.

The daily schedule for our toddlers includes indoor and outdoor activities that promote our four domains of development.

Cognitive skills
Our caregivers allow children to explore the environment while supervising and encouraging their play. Books, classical music, pattern-making materials, matching manipulative and interlocking toys that can be taken apart and put back together.

Social Emotional skills
Our caregivers nurture children throughout the day both verbally and non-verbally; we allow time for dramatic play providing our children, time to make friends and develop and establish positive emotions.

Communication skills
We use circle time storytelling and word games to help your child practice imitating and responding to others.We seek to expand your child’s words, read sing and use gestures as well as words to communicate. Books, nursery rhymes, records, tapes, puppets and flannel board stories are examples of suggested materials.

Physical skills
With our toddlers,We facilitate imaginary play with blocks and puzzles that support large-motor development and eye-hand coordination along with activities such as kicking balls, tossing, writing, drawing, and lacing.We allow time for children to walk, climb, run, jump and dance. Improving gross and fine motor skills.