
Sober Living

Dangers Of Mixing Alcohol And Adderall: Side Effects & Treatment

If you or someone you know has developed a dependence on either or both substances, there is hope and help. People may drink alcohol while taking Adderall, a prescription stimulant, for a variety of reasons. Some people may intentionally consume alcohol and Adderall to experience the combined effects, often referred to as polysubstance use. Others may regularly take Adderall as prescribed and don’t think about how alcohol may interact with their prescription. However, an estimated 2.1% of adults in the

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What is Methadone? Effects, Risks & Addiction

Addiction to opioids, such as heroin and prescription opioids, is the leading cause of drug overdose in the United States. For those with addiction, untreated physical and psychological withdrawal symptoms may be severe, making it challenging to abstain from using the drug. Dosages may need to be adjusted during medical detox to ensure stability remains and that withdrawal symptoms are minimal. Methadone may also be replaced with the partial opioid agonist buprenorphine during detox. Other medications can be helpful to

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